redesigned TickLeiste. Functions are in progress
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2 changed files with 139 additions and 0 deletions
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-- |
-- Module: Queue
-- Description: A simple functional Queue
-- Stability: experimental
module Data.Queue where
data Queue a = Queue [a] [a]
deriving (Show)
instance Foldable Queue where
foldr f a (Queue xs ys) = foldr f a (xs ++ (reverse ys))
enqueue :: Queue a -> a -> Queue a
enqueue (Queue xs ys) a = Queue (a:xs) ys
dequeue :: Queue a -> (Queue a,Maybe a)
dequeue q@(Queue [] []) = (q,Nothing)
dequeue q@(Queue xs (y:ys)) = (Queue xs ys, Just y)
dequeue q@(Queue xs@(t:ts) []) = let ys = reverse xs in (Queue [] (tail ys), Just (head ys))
isEmpty :: Queue a -> Bool
isEmpty (Queue [] []) = True
isEmpty _ = False
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-- |
-- Module: TickLeiste
-- Description: Short Implementation of Splittermonds Tickleiste
-- Stability: experimental
module Data.TickLeiste (
Tick (..)
) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- |A Tick is just a number
data Tick = Abwarten | Bereithalten | Tick Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
isAbwarten :: Tick -> Bool
isAbwarten Abwarten = True
isAbwarten _ = False
isBereithalten :: Tick -> Bool
isBereithalten Bereithalten = True
isBereithalten _ = False
getTickValue :: Tick -> Maybe Int
getTickValue (Tick n) = Just n
getTickValue _ = Nothing
-- |A Player has a name as identifier
type Player = T.Text
-- |The TickLeiste consists of a List of Ticks and for each Tick a
-- Queue of players, that play at that turn.
-- This is a bit wierd as it introduces redundancy, but I don't have a
-- better idea.
-- NOTE: the first player in the list is the first to move.
data TickLeiste = TickLeiste { leiste :: M.Map Tick [Player], player :: M.Map Player Tick }
deriving (Show)
-- |Empty Tickleiste
newTickLeiste :: TickLeiste
newTickLeiste = TickLeiste M.empty M.empty
-- |Add a 'Player' to the 'TickLeiste'
addPlayer :: Player -- ^ the Player to add
-> Tick -- ^ the Tick we add the Player to
-> TickLeiste -- ^ the TickLeiste we add the player to
-> TickLeiste -- ^ the resulting TickLeiste
addPlayer p t (TickLeiste l pl) = TickLeiste tlm pm
tlm :: M.Map Tick [Player]
tlm = insertPlayerToLeiste p t l
pm :: M.Map Player Tick
pm = setPlayerTickToPlayer p t pl
-- | Adds a number of ticks to the player, if the player is not on
-- the TickLeiste, Abwarten or Bereithalten then this function returns
-- Nothing
-- Would it be better to return the original 'TickLeiste' instead of 'Nothing'?
addTicksToPlayer :: Player -- ^ the Player we want to add ticks to
-> Int -- ^ the number of Ticks we want to add
-> TickLeiste -- ^ the TickLeiste we want to modify
-> Maybe TickLeiste -- ^ the result
addTicksToPlayer p t tl@(TickLeiste l pl) = {- fromMaybe tl $ -}do
pt <- pl M.!? p
ptv <- getTickValue pt
let npt = Tick $ ptv + t
tlm = (insertPlayerToLeiste p npt . removePlayerFromLeiste p pt) l
pm = setPlayerTickToPlayer p npt pl
return $ TickLeiste tlm pm
-- |We get the tick a 'Player' is on
getPlayerTick :: Player -- ^ the 'Player'
-> TickLeiste
-> Maybe Tick
getPlayerTick p (TickLeiste _ pl) = pl M.!? p
-- |get a list of 'Player' that move at a tick in order.
getTickPlayers :: Tick
-> TickLeiste
-> [Player]
getTickPlayers t (TickLeiste l _) = fromMaybe [] $ l M.!? t
-- this is just an internal helper
-- it removes a player from a specific tick, if the player
-- wasn't at the tick it is the identity.
removePlayerFromLeiste :: Player -> Tick -> M.Map Tick [Player] -> M.Map Tick [Player]
removePlayerFromLeiste p t l = fromMaybe l $ do
list <- l M.!? t
let list' = filter ( /= p) list
if null list' then
return $ M.delete t l
return $ M.insert t list' l
insertPlayerToLeiste :: Player -> Tick -> M.Map Tick [Player] -> M.Map Tick [Player]
insertPlayerToLeiste p t l = M.insert t (M.findWithDefault [] t l ++ [p]) l
setPlayerTickToPlayer :: Player -> Tick -> M.Map Player Tick -> M.Map Player Tick
setPlayerTickToPlayer = M.insert
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